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Kandace Walters black maternal mortality

Cincinnati mom & TCHHN doctor on a mission to improve black maternal health

WCPO-TV April 18, 2024

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports black women are t…

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Fighting off bad allergy symptoms

Bad allergy symptoms? You're not alone. Here's how to fight them off

WLWT-TV April 17, 2024

As the rain clears up, it could mean more trouble for you if you have se…

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Feel Your Best: Navigating Perimenopause

April 16, 2024

Social feeds are filled with conversations about perimenopause. Q102's Jennifer Fritsch talks with certified menopause practitioner Dr. Sarah Bartlett about the changes to watch for and how to feel your best.

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Medicine Cabinet Makeover

April 15, 2024

Ready for some spring cleaning? Don’t forget your medicine cabinet! Primary care physician Dr. Jordan Ryan shares the essentials you should always keep on hand and options for getting rid of old prescription medicines you no longer take.

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​​Preventing and Treating All Types of Cancer and Blood Disorders 

All cancers begin in your cells -- the body's basic unit of life. Your body is made up of many types of cells. These cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. When cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells. However, sometimes this orderly process goes wrong. The genetic material (DNA) of a cell can become damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them. The extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor.  Not all tumors are cancerous; tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors are cancerous.  

Blood disorders, on the other hand, affect one or more parts of the blood and prevent blood from doing its job. Blood is a living tissue made up of liquids and solids. The liquid part is called plasma. Blood disorders most commonly affects the solid part of your blood -- red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Cancers and blood disorders are treated based on the individual, stage and primary place in the body it started but that is not always known. Click below on the places in the body cancers or blood disorders can originate to learn more about the particular types as well as how our medical team can help to prevent, screen and treat your cancer or blood disorder.