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​NEST:  Nourishing Employee Strengths and Talents

Every employee at The Christ Hospital Health Network plays an important role in delivering exceptional care for our community. Our entry level positions pay competitive wages, but some employees in these roles may face economic and career disadvantages outside of work that stand in their way of becoming self-sufficient.

Getting a full-time job with good pay and benefits is not always the simple answer. It’s often just one part of the journey to true self-sufficiency. 

The ability to keep and grow in that job can be hurt by forces beyond an employee’s control – such as having reliable transportation, childcare, adequate housing, access to nourishing food, and community health disparities.

Some workers can also be impacted by the so-called “cliff effect.” That’s when even a small increase in pay can result in a worker losing eligibility to participate in safety net programs they still need to fully support and protect their family. 

Workers facing the cliff effect are often left with a difficult choice to decline a promotion or reduce their hours just so their families do not end up worse off financially.

NEST removes roadblocks to career advancement

The Christ Hospital created NEST (Nurturing Employee Strengths and Talents) to help employees overcome barriers to self-sufficiency, achieve their dreams and break cycles of generational hardships.

"I was offered a position but can’t commit because I can't afford to fix my car and the job isn’t on a bus line."
"I can’t afford college because I have to pay for childcare. My mom offers to watch my kids, but she’s not always available. "
"I can’t think about my future when I’m always worried about where we will lay our heads at night or where my family’s next meal will come from."

NESTERS, our program participants, can participate in a wide range of free, life enhancing programs.

  • One-on-one support to work through immediate personal, professional, or financial barriers

  • Financial coaching to learn how to successfully set goals and plan for the future

  • Support services to assist with childcare, transportation and housing challenges, stress management, debt restructuring, and access to a healthy food pantry

  • Opportunities to learn and shadow in a range of job areas to build your career

  • Educational classes/online offerings and certifications

We envision NEST to become a model for employers nationwide to growth their workforces and empower all employees to become fully self-sufficient community members.

Building your NEST

Employees who qualify for NEST will meet confidentially with their coach from Cincinnati Works to customize their program and experience.

Once your plan is designed, programs and benefits take place during work hours so NESTERs can continue to earn while they learn and grow. 

This is an opportunity for NESTERs to invest in their dreams and personal goals – eliminating the stress of finding the time and resources to make it possible. 

"I never knew I could be this happy - actually happy. This program brings that out of you. Everybody involved in it really cares. You could tell it wasn’t just a job to them. They care about us, and they care about what they are doing. I loved every bit of it."
Juanita Guilford, NEST participant who started a new career as a Patient Care Representative

Read Juanita's NEST success story on Cincinnati Works' website.

How you can support NEST

NEST is unique to The Christ Hospital. It began as a pilot program for entry-wage employees in partnership with Cincinnati Works, a nonprofit agency that provides career coaching and support services, and the City of Cincinnati’s Hand Up Initiative. 

The Christ Hospital is actively seeking partners to grow NEST and make our community more vibrant for everyone. We would also like to acknowledge our current partners who have courageously committed to the mission of NEST either financially or through program support and development.

  • Bright Horizons

  • Cincinnati Works

  • Duke Energy Foundation

  • Elizabeth Gamble Deaconess Home Association

  • La Soupe

  • Workforce Innovation Center.

With community partners committed with us in this effort to encourage self-sufficiency and financial security, we can continue to address health issues and benefits gaps, and provide healthy foods, life and career coaching, and training for career advancement.

For more information about becoming a NESTER or supporting the program, contact:

Andre Boomer
Director of Team Member Experience and DEI&B