Honor a Loved One
As a not-for-profit organization, The Christ Hospital Health Network relies upon charitable donations to ensure exceptional patient care and experiences. Your tax-deductible gift may be designated to a specific program at The Christ Hospital Health Network that you are passionate about, or you can make an unrestricted donation that will support the greatest needs of the institution.
Make your gift today by clicking Donate Now at the top right of the page, or by sending a check to:
The Christ Hospital Foundation
2123 Auburn Avenue, Suite 528
Cincinnati, OH 45219
For assistance, please call Rita Spicker at 513-585-4128.
Memorial Gift for a Loved One
A meaningful and enduring gesture to remember a loved one, while at the same time supporting the care he/she received, is to make an Honor/Memorial Gift to The Christ Hospital Health Network. See intructions above for how to make a donation.