Ryan J. Seal, MD
Ryan J. Seal, MD
Spine Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery
The Christ Hospital Physicians - Spine Surgery
4.8 out of 5 Stars 394 Ratings
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Locations for Ryan J. Seal, MD

Treatments, Conditions and Areas of Interest

This list is a summary of the services provided by this physician. For a full list of services, please call the office directly at 513-792-7445.

  • Revision Spine Surgery
  • Arthritis of the Spine
  • Herniated Disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Spine Trauma
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Lumbar Spine Disorders
  • Spine Deformity
  • Spine Surgery (Neck)
  • Spine Surgery (Cervical)
  • Spine Surgery (Lumbar)
  • Spinal Cord Injuries

About Ryan J. Seal, MD

Dr. Seal grew up in Toledo, Ohio and graduated from St. John’s Jesuit High School. He went on to the University of Virginia, where he earned his undergraduate degree in neuroscience. He returned home to obtain his medical degree from the University of Toledo College of Medicine. He then completed his Orthopaedic Surgery residency at the University of Kentucky Medical Center. He continued his training at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for his Spine Surgery Fellowship. Dr. Seal’s interests encompass all aspects of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine care, including disk herniations, stenosis, revision surgery, deformity, and spine trauma. He is trained in both traditional and innovative techniques, including minimally invasive surgery. He is a proponent of conservative treatment whenever possible, has a strong belief of incorporating new technology and methods into conventional spine procedures, and formulates a unique treatment plan for each individual patient. A family man himself, Dr. Seal cares for his patients the same way he would want someone to treat his loved ones. When not at the hospital or clinic, Dr. Seal enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, and watching sports, especially football and soccer.

Gender: Male

Board Certification: Am Bd of Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedic Surg.)

Education: University of Toledo College of Medicine, Professional Education

Languages Spoken: English

Articles and Videos from Ryan J. Seal, MD

Reviews & Ratings

Our star ratings come from responses to provider-related questions on the Press Ganey Patient Experience Survey. Comments from the survey are posted in their entirety. Patients are de-identified to maintain confidentiality and privacy. For more information, visit TheChristHosptial.com/feedback.

Reviewed on November 26, 2024

The doctor directed his conversation with me and with my wife.

Reviewed on November 22, 2024

Both the PA and Dr. Seal were very kind and informative. I felt relieved and confident that the problem was being taken seriously and would be resolved.

Reviewed on November 15, 2024

Dr. Ryan & his staff were great. [...]

Insurance & Billing

The Christ Hospital Health Network and The Christ Hospital Physicians accept most insurance plans. Please check directly with your physician, the hospital or your insurance provider to ensure that you have coverage for our services.

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