Shyamala Jagtap, MD practices preventative and primary care, adult (both men and women) and geriatric medicine. She provides comprehensive care for men and women including, yearly gynecological care, ongoing health care and preventative education for all patient age groups. She is also a Civil Surgeon and performs physical exams for applicants to the INS for Department of Homeland Security.
She also has experience in OSHA standards and NIOSH standards having worked in GE Aviation Clinic, Evendale where she took care of employees who needed emergency and urgent care related to occupational injuries/ exposures; corporate health and travel medicine; pre-employment physicals and aviation physicals.
She also does pre-employment, pre-operative, annual and sports physicals. With her Infectious Disease background and interest she also practices international travel medicine and geographical medicine.
As a Fellow in Infectious Diseases she has worked at the famed Howard Brown Clinic, Chicago where she was responsible for patients with sexually transmitted diseases, HIV disease and Women’s Clinic.
She has excellent and broad experience with women’s health issues.
She received her Medical School training and Diploma at Bangalore Medical College, one of the premier institutions in Southern India. She did her Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.
Due to her interest in infectious disease she also did a Fellowship at the Hospitals and Clinics affiliated to the Infectious Disease Program at University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital, University of Chicago Hospital, Veterans Administration West Side Medical Center, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago.