Steven S. Weber, MD
Steven S. Weber, MD
Surgery, General
The Christ Hospital Physicians - General Surgery
4.9 out of 5 Stars 80 Ratings
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Locations for Steven S. Weber, MD

Treatments, Conditions and Areas of Interest

This list is a summary of the services provided by this physician. For a full list of services, please call the office directly at 513-585-2062.

  • Advanced Wound Care
  • Breast Surgery
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Liver and Pancreatic Surgery
  • Surgery of the Intestines

About Steven S. Weber, MD

Steven Weber, MD, is a board-certified general surgeon specializing in diagnosing and treating conditions of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, colon, and breast. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Washington, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health. Dr. Weber then earned his medical degree at the Drexel University College of Medicine before completing his surgical residency at Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. When not seeing patients, Dr. Weber enjoys cooking, especially for his two young children. He also enjoys exploring the outdoors, movies, and family time. As Cincinnati is now home, he is a Bearcats, Bengals, and Reds fan.

Gender: Male

Board Certification: Am Bd of Surgery (Surgery)

Education: Drexel University College of Medicine, Professional Education

Languages Spoken:

Reviews & Ratings

Our star ratings come from responses to provider-related questions on the Press Ganey Patient Experience Survey. Comments from the survey are posted in their entirety. Patients are de-identified to maintain confidentiality and privacy. For more information, visit

Reviewed on November 05, 2024

Dr. Weber took the time to listen to my concerns about surgery and we're moving forward with a good plan because of it.

Reviewed on September 27, 2024

I was very impressed by this surgeon...Fantastic.

Reviewed on August 30, 2024

Dr.Weber is delightful. Explains things thoughley. Smiles and makes you feel safe

Insurance & Billing

The Christ Hospital Health Network and The Christ Hospital Physicians accept most insurance plans. Please check directly with your physician, the hospital or your insurance provider to ensure that you have coverage for our services.

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