Cubital tunnel syndrome diagnosis
During your appointment, one of our skilled joint specialists reviews your symptoms, goes over your health history and conducts a physical exam. If more information is needed, the following tests may be ordered:
Electromyogram (EMG)—a test that evaluates nerve and muscle function. It can be used to test the muscles controlled by the ulnar nerve.
Nerve conduction test—evaluates how quickly a signal can travel down to a nerve. This test can find nerve compression or constriction.
X-ray—invisible electromagnetic energy beams that make images of your bones and their surrounding soft tissues to check for bone spurs or arthritis in your elbow.
Cubital tunnel syndrome treatment
The most common treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome include:
Anti-inflammatory medication
Avoiding activities that aggravate the elbow
Nerve gliding exercises (encourages the nerves to glide normally as you move your joints)
Resting and avoiding bending the elbow whenever possible
Using elbow pads to prevent irritation from hard surfaces
Wearing an elbow splint at night to reduce irritation
If these treatments don’t relieve your symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery to take the pressure off of the nerve.
Orthopedic specialists at The Christ Hospital Health Network are among the most experienced and skilled doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome.
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