​Treating menopause

Most women do not need treatment for menopausal symptoms. Some women find that their symptoms go away by themselves or they self-manage symptoms. But if you're bothered by symptoms, there are many ways to deal with them, including medications and lifestyle changes. We'll help you start this next phase of life feeling strong and ready to embrace the change.

Whether to treat or not treat menopause symptoms is a decision you'll make with your doctor. At The Christ Hospital Health Network, we know menopause symptoms can disrupt your life. Our women's health experts are here to provide individualized care that puts your lifestyle and personal preferences first.

Make simple lifestyle changes

Easing your menopause symptoms may not require medication. Finding relief might be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes.

  • Hot flashes—try avoiding spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine and stress, which are all hot flash triggers. Also, dress in layers and take slow, deep breaths when you feel "the flash" coming.

  • Memory problems—fogginess and forgetfulness can be eased with enough sleep and physical activity.

  • Mood swings—learn how to deal with stress, stay active and get enough sleep. Also, visit your doctor to rule out depression.

  • Sleep problems—try going to sleep and waking at the same times every day. Avoid caffeine after noon, physical activity close to bedtime and napping during the day.

  • Vaginal dryness—use a water-based, over-the-counter lubricant or a vaginal moisturizer.

Medical treatment

There are multiple prescription medicines and supplements to treat severe menopause symptoms. Our women's health specialists will ensure that you understand the risks versus benefits of any treatment you may choose.

Recommendations may include:

  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)—low-dose estrogen, (with progestin if you still have your uterus) may be prescribed to relieve hot flashes Long-term use of these synthetic hormones may increase cardiovascular and breast cancer risks.

  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy—relies on hormones compounded and processed chemically into identical replicas of hormones the body produces

  • Mona Lisa Touch™—a painless, non-hormonal treatment for vaginal atrophy and dryness that stimulates collagen and restores the vagina to a pre-menopausal state

  • Prescription medications—to help reduce hot flashes

  • Vaginal estrogen—released in small amounts directly to the vagina to relieve dryness and discomfort during sex

Next steps

If you have severe menopause symptoms, make an appointment with one of our Women’sHealth experts.