Irfan Firdaus, DO
Irfan Firdaus, DO
Medical Oncology
The Christ Hospital Physicians - Hematology & Oncology
4.9 out of 5 Stars 163 Ratings
Accepting New Patients

Locations for Irfan Firdaus, DO

Treatments, Conditions and Areas of Interest

This list is a summary of the services provided by this physician. For a full list of services, please call the office directly at 513-321-4333.

  • Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Cancer Genetics
  • Clinical Trials (Cancer)

About Irfan Firdaus, DO

Irfan Firdaus, DO, is a native of Cleveland. He received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Case Western Reserve University. His medical degree came from Des Moines University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Iowa. Following graduation, he completed a traditional internship at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo and internal medicine training at Lutheran General Medical Center in Chicago. He then chose to specialize in hematology and medical oncology by completing his fellowship at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

Dr. Firdaus specializes in treating patients with all forms of cancers and blood disorders. He has added interest in gastrointestinal cancers where he has also been actively involved in research, including as principal investigator for numerous gastrointestinal cancer clinical trials. He has presented his research at major international meetings. His additional interests include treating gynecologic and genitourinary cancers, especially ovarian and prostate cancers.

Dr. Firdaus is annually named one of the best local physicians by both Cincy and Cincinnati magazines. He is a member of the Ohio State Medical Association and the American Osteopathic Association and serves on the Cancer Care, Peer Review and Length of Stay committees at The Christ Hospital Health Network.

Dr. Firdaus is committed to caring for the patients as a person and not just a disease -- striving to provide the most up-to-date, evidence-based and cutting-edge treatment available for his patients. He understands patients may be overwhelmed after a cancer diagnosis and is dedicated to spending as much time as needed with patients to ensure they understand the plan and have their questions answered.

In his spare time, Dr. Firdaus likes to spend time with his family. He enjoys traveling, running and reading. He is an avid fan of professional Cleveland sports as well as The Ohio State University football program.

Gender: Male

Board Certification: Am Bd of Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology)

Education: Univ. of Osteopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, Professional Education

Languages Spoken: English

Reviews & Ratings

Our star ratings come from responses to provider-related questions on the Press Ganey Patient Experience Survey. Comments from the survey are posted in their entirety. Patients are de-identified to maintain confidentiality and privacy. For more information, visit

Reviewed on November 27, 2024

Dr. Firdaus is a excellent oncologist. He has displayed exempt professionalism. He has quite me through my cancer thoroughly. So far by God's grace I'm still here.

Reviewed on October 05, 2024

Dr Firdaus is a caring fantastic doctor

Reviewed on September 26, 2024

The Best provider!

Insurance & Billing

The Christ Hospital Health Network and The Christ Hospital Physicians accept most insurance plans. Please check directly with your physician, the hospital or your insurance provider to ensure that you have coverage for our services.

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